presentation and communicating with clarity
finding your message, your voice, and putting them out there
Image by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash
Everyone has a lot on their plate at the moment. If you’re going to communicate effectively you have to get past all of that. You have to compete with the cake for their attention; you have to connect, you have to stand out, or you run the risk of being missed. You don’t want that.
So, how to cake-proof your presentation? And, importantly, how to keep it sufficiently connected to your content that it has the required level of credibility.
All of these programmes are designed to support and challenge you in designing and delivering just such a presentation, one that really sticks.
Image by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash
I had a good time, while learning things. What else could you want?
A great moment to zoom out from daily research, re-appropriate the essence of our topic and learn how to communicate it efficiently
Examples of workshops in this area:
Communicate! - available online and face to face - this is a 1, 2 or 4 day series of workshops that take everyone through the process of creating and delivering a powerful piece of communication, and getting feedback, comment and practice along the way
Present and connect - practice, practice, practice with feedback, feedback and feedback - this is a series of online workshops where you get to put your presentation out and receive personalised feedback and comments, while also learning from the presentations of others
Get the word out - four 3-hour online workshops take people through the experience of designing, creating and delivering a written nd spoken form of communication, to suit their need. This is complemented with input throughout on clarity, structure and design
The writing rooms - a 3 day retreat setting aside dedicated time for getting that writing done - and efficiently. Participants are supported by the availability of 1:1 coaching and mentoring as well as dedicated time to structure, create and refine the ll-important writing, from creative pieces to academic papers and even theses
It enabled me to understand that we can consider science and serious things with humour and natural behaviour, without undermining the content of what we want to say