“would anyone who is not present please raise their hand?”
roshi Bernie glassman
Image by Amer Mughawish on Unsplash.com
We’re often so busy trying to get somewhere that we miss where we are already. Which is ironic since here is where we are all of the time, with only the occasional bit of reaching a destination scattered about the place. To reflect that reality, in stead of focusing on the next target and then the next , what would happen if we let it go and simply noticed where we actually are?
Practicing mindfulness - an awareness of what is going on here and now - is something really quite different to our usual monkey-mindedness. As a practitioner I have found mindfulness to be a highly portable practice and it informs many of the areas I work on, from resilience and managing stress to leadership and creativity.
In workshops, coaching and seminars I introduce mindfulness not as a method or tool to achieve an end, but as an approach to be put into practice - from becoming aware of how our thoughts, emotions and behaviours operate and change, to simply becoming more attentive to the here and now.
Life does not have to be frantic.
The ability of Jamie to guide us through these important and technical concepts as if it was easy, as through a story, was amazing! Loved it, thank you very much
Image by Sebastian Sammer on Unsplash
Examples of workshops I offer in this area:
Mindfulness - without the whistles and bells - a 1/2d or 1d workshop introducing a number of different mindfulness-based practices
Notice, notice, notice - a 2-hour taster session bringing in elements of mindfulness, spontaneity and play
Research, resilience and Zen- a 1/2d to 1d event event looking at nerves, practice and rethinking habits of mind
Doing the happy thing - a 1/2d session bringing mindfulness to everyday situations and developing practices that enhance happiness