genuine, human leaders with positive impact
Image by Mark Williams on Unsplash.com
Many of us know the impact of effective leadership and, unfortunately, many of us know the impact of ineffective leadership. As a consequence, the word has so much pressure and psychological baggage attached, that many of us avoid the idea, or just can’t see leadership in ourselves.
Even so, if you want to progress in a direction of your choosing – in your career, your personal life or any context - you will need to inspire people to action (even if it’s yourself!), to motivate, to manage, and to bring about change. In short, you’ll need to make the right things happen; whether you have ‘leader’ in your job description or not.
All of these workshops take a practical and interactive approach to examining your personal brand of leadership, and what the whole thing means to you. We cover a number of topics from personal leadership and developing your own sense of values, vision and direction, to understanding and leading change, as well as forming positive and clear relationships with the people you lead. We also look at leading in ambiguity, amid change and with spontaneity - vital skills in a dynamic world, whatever our situation.
Leadership is not defined by your power or position; and is rarely about command and control. It's about being true to yourself, being honest and authentic and influencing naturally through your actions, interactions and how you are.
What difference would you like to make?
Image by Kazuo Ota on Unsplash.com
this course has definitely changed how I behave. I feel I have grown from seeing myself as 'just a lecturer' into a leader in teaching. My self awareness has improved, as well as my ability to interact, motivate and persuade others
Examples of workshops in this area:
Leadership and you - a 1/2, 1- or 2- day workshop looking at your leadership style, direction and effectiveness
Leading change - 1d working with models and experiences of change and working through it positively with others
Leaders in teaching - a 6-month programme of online and face-to-face sessions building the next generation of leaders committed to powerful and effective teaching in Higher Education
Getting to the heart of leadership - a 1, 2 or 3d workshop looking at models of leadership and, more importantly, ways to put them into practice to engage, motivate, communicate and work with others
Cultivating leadership - a 3d workshop involving personal leadership, leading others and collaboration supported by action learning and group coaching