higher education
Being effective in library & field, laboratory & life
Image by Gabriel Sollmann on Unsplash.com
Image by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash.com
I've been in and around higher education since 1990 - there's something wonderful about the environment and people. I work with all disciplines and activities and although the specifics vary greatly, there is a lot of common ground in the experience of university life, with all its ups and downs.
This was not like any other course : it's life changing (and I've never written so much on a feedback form!)
Specifically, I've been a doctoral and post-doctoral researcher. And I’ve been designing and running learning events for doctoral candidates, research staff, academics and university people since 2001. I have a real understanding of this wonderful and challenging environment.
Image by M.C. Escher
I regularly run events covering all of the subjects on this website in UK and European Universities and deliver them to researchers, academics, professional services and senior leaders. In addition, I'm a regular tutor and director for national and international researcher development programmes.
Demanding, but worth every second. Haven't enjoyed myself as much in a long time
Examples of workshops I offer in this area:
How to do a doctorate - a 1 or 2d experiential workshop covering all aspects of orienting researchers to a successful doctoral experience
Research integrity in practice - a 1/2 or 1 d workshop introducing the major concepts and practices in ensuring sound research - for researchers and academics
Viva! - a 1-day experiential workshop demystifying, debunking and calming down about the viva process. Giving practical tools for preparation and handling nerves.
Coaching and mentoring skills for supervisors - and handling tricky situations for PG tutors - practicing key skills from coaching and allied fields; skills that enhance the professionalism, communication and effectiveness of the supervisory relationship, even when it gets tricky
Preparing candidates for the viva - a 1/2d session taking supervisors through the process of preparing their researchers for the viva-voce examination, and troublehsooting their genuine concerns as we go
How to be an effective teacher - a 2.5 day hands-on introduction to the fundamentals of teaching, with practice, feedback and discussion throughout
Making supervision work for you - a 1 d exploration of the supervisory relationship, its requirements and practices and how to deal with the changing relationship through time