enterprise and sustainable development
marrying short term success and long term thinking
Thanks NASA, for licensing this photo under Creative Commons
Everything we do has an impact that is felt economically, environmentally and societally. So, it is a wise approach to enterprise, innovation and commercialisation to consider how our activities impact on all three of these areas and to ask how we can deliver financial performance while enhancing society and the environment. And, at the very least, we ought not to damage any of those three areas or jeopardise our future prosperity and well being.
As a former ecologist and environmental consultant who now runs his own business, I've been delivering training and development activities in the areas of enterprise, sustainability and social- or values-based enterprise for a number of years. This has included delivering workshops on pure entrepreneurship and commercialisation, as well as bespoke half-day activities and workshops over several days that introduce the concepts of sustainability, long-term collaboration and social enterprise. Add to that, projects on developing an enterprising attitude of innovation and initiative, and people can make a very positive contribution to developing their own future while safeguarding that of others.
If you'd like to know more about my approach to enterprise and sustainable development training, please get in touch.
Examples of workshops I offer in these areas include:
- An introduction to sustainability - a 1hr taster combining activities and and the major concepts behind sustainability
- Business beyond the bottom line - a collaborative project between three universities, this highly interactive workshop takes participants through the core ideas of social and values-based enterprise, visits actual enterprises and has groups devise their own projects and develop them into viable activities that are scrutinised by experts in the field
- Bridging the divide - a fast-paced 3hr or 1d workshop with sustainability, collaboration and commercial awareness running throughout the highly interactive process
- Sustainability in practice - a 1 or 2-day programme that makes sustainability practical - exploring the motivation, core concepts, challenges and opportunities
- Being enterprising - innovation and initiative- a highly interactive, challenging programme that develops enterprising attitudes, skills and practices as well as devising business ideas, so participants can set their sights firmly on the future they want