Creative thinking

“creativity requires the courage to let go of certainty”

Erich fromm


Image by Skye Studios on Unsplash

I absolutely *loved* this course…it exceeded every expectation. I really feel energised and motivated about my work and much more positive about life in general. I really appreciate the very practical tools that can be adapted to almost any situation. Everybody should take this course!

Examples of workshops in this area:

  • Practical creativity / Creative thinking - these 2-day programmes have been transformational for hundreds of participants across the UK and Europe, widening their view of challenges and providing an environment and tools for thinking creatively and creating new options

  • Developing practical creativity - a 1-day workshop that introduces a scheme of managing the entire creative process from ideas to delivery, bringing in the required attitudes and methods for each

  • Problem solving - 5 useful ways to widen your options - a 1-day workshop that explores five straightforward tools for creative and pragmatic thinking in a highly hands-on, experiential style

  • Creativity in collaboration - a 90-minutes taster or full day session on working constructively, creatively and with awareness of our impact

There’s nothing our brains like more than a good long rest in the comfort zone. We’re wired to keep things comfortably, and predictably, the same.

Yet, because we like comfort and familiarity, we often behave in a way that restricts our natural creativity and resourcefulness and that keeps us stuck. We have to let go of certainties in order to explore new and exciting possibilities.

And, of course, it's no good just opening up a wealth of new and creative ideas, they also have to be turned into practical, workable ways forward. So a sound creative process should involve all of these different elements.

In the workshops I offer, participants learn the attitudes, skills and tools to allow just that - to create new ideas and translate them into action. A toolkit for resilience, problem solving and innovation.

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