eight hours a day, five days a week for about 60 years? It had better be worth it
This photo is licensed under Creative Commons by Quinn Dombrowski - thank you, Quinn
The world is full of advice on how to find the right job but (and I say this with great respect for Italian cobblers wherever they may be) unless you've done the leg work yourself, following others' advice can feel a bit false - like you're walking in someone else's shoes, rather than your own.
Another challenge of managing your career is that you have to make a real effort. So it can seem far easier to take pot-luck and roll the dice on the careers board game. But that's a bit passive. And in a marketplace where the majority of jobs are not advertised, and where people prefer to hire those they already know and trust, you can't afford to be passive.
In the workshops I offer, we take an active and creative approach to thinking long term about your career (or careers) and short term about finding a job that meets your needs; an approach that puts you squarely in the driving seat.
I found this photo via Creative Commons searching - no author attributed though.
From programmes held over several months to short workshops on specific subjects, my workshops include the following:
- Breaking the career rules - dropping what holds you back
- A values-based career - what's really important to you?
- Starting your own enterprise and self employment
- Interview and CV workshops
- Broadening Horizons - a two-day workshop on widening your career options
- Where to now? A four-day programme over several months from identifying your career path to securing a position
"Hands-on career development support, with tangible outcomes and a sense of time well spent"
If you'd like to know more, please get in touch.